
Thursday, June 23, 2005


Feng Shui is not superstition, religion or philosophy... it is the Art and Science of living in harmony with the environment. Here are some Feng Shui tips for around the house...

Every area of a house can be viewed uniquely according to Feng Shui theory, with some rooms being more important than others just based on the amount of time spent in those locations.

One of the most important Feng Shui tips... Bedrooms should be sacred spaces where an adult or child can retreat and regenerate. We spend roughly one third of our lives in our bedroom, so maintaining balance and serenity in this area is essential.

Sometimes called the “chi gate,” the main door is like the mouth for the house. It is the gateway between the world and the privacy of the home and air currents literally enter and exit at this point. The positioning of a main door can determine the fortune or misfortune of the occupants.

Many people enter their home through a back or side door out of convenience. Garage entrances are very common as well. If this is the entrance used more than the formal front door, then the energies at this side entrance will affect you more. This does NOT however change the orientation of your house.

These transition rooms are like the arteries of the house. They should be relatively bright and not too narrow or cluttered. A chronically dark hallway should have a skylight or artificial light on. Ideally, hallways should not be excessively long, unless there are many rooms off the hallway where the doors can remain open.

The living room is where we entertain, generally speaking. It may also be a place for the family to gather. Some people hardly ever step foot in their living rooms. To the extent that you use your living room, that is how much it will affect your health and well-being.

Like the living room, some people hardly sit down in their formal dining room. This should be a place where friends and family gather for a relaxing time. There should be a moratorium on arguments in the dining room, otherwise family members will eat too fast just to be done with the experience.

The kitchen is referred to as the “hearth” of the home. The vibrations in this room are important in the way that food is prepared and the residual affect. Yet it is not considered the most important part of the house since only an hour or less is spent there on a daily basis. Sometimes the location of a kitchen in a house can determine which family members will argue the most or if the whole house is vulnerable to a variety of mishaps.Generally, the kitchen is NOT the first room you want to see when you enter your house.

A lot of water passes through a bathroom, yet that does not qualify as a water remedy if that part of the house needs the water element to be balanced. Water that leaves through plumbing is not the same as a water fountain or an aquarium, which re-circulates in that same area. Bathrooms usually should not be in the center of the house or the first room your eyes land on when you enter your home. A toilet should not be too close to a sleeping area, which challenges the Western design ideal of having a private toilet adjacent to the master bedroom.

Over the last twenty years, the “home office” has become a major change in how we live. There are two basic types of home offices: the one where we store and file papers, pay bills and pass recreational time on the computer and the real home office where we sit for at least several hours a day conducting business and generating income. The real office and its location within the houseiscrucial to financial success.

Stairs should not be aligned directly with a heavily used entrance door. When they exist in the center of the house, the activity of moving up and down the stairs will stimulate the unseen potential of the house, for good or for bad depending on the uniqueness of the house. Stairs of any kind, indoor or out, should be clean and safe to use. Dilapidated stairs and unstable railings are not good Feng Shui for obvious reasons.

Windows should always open properly and allow sufficient light or pleasant views into the room. To scale with the room, windows should be a defined height and width. It is not ideal to sleep with your head just inches from a window.

Ceilings are ideally flat, without severe slopes. The sloping ceiling will cause the flow of air currents in the room to be chaotic. This contributes to sleep problems.Exposed ceiling beams are a problem if a person works or sleeps under them. Their downward pressure can contribute to health problems.

Floors should be level so as not to cause equilibrium problems for the occupants. It is less important if the flooring is wood, stone, or carpet. But the color of the carpet can change the energy of a room. As an example, a green carpet is the wood element and a gray carpet is the metal element.

The center point of a house indicates a potential experience or set of circumstances that may affect the occupants. It is generally not an area that occupants spend a lot of time in because it winds up in a pass through area for most floor plans. Occasionally the center of the house is part of a room. The influences that emanate from the center of a house can only be determined with advanced Xuan Kung Feng Shui.

Toxic Mold
High Electro-magnetic fields (EMF)
Toxic Building Syndrome (includes recycled toxic air)
Proximity to hazardous materials and substances (interiors and exteriors)
Exposure to chronic high levels of noise (such as freeway traffic)
Physical strain and fatigue from unhealthful work environment

article from http://www.fengshuiplaza.com/Feng-Shui-Tips/index.htm


Adults, who seem to have less imagination than children, may like plain white or cream-colored walls in the dining room and in their own bedroom, but when it comes to decorating a child’s room, all the senses should come into play.

Textures, colors, lights, and scents are necessities, as are stuffed animals, puffy pillows, and caricatures.

Surprise your child.
Design a room that resembles the ocean floor and use all the bright colors, textures, and three-dimensional designs that your own mind can come up with! Your child probably will have plenty of good ideas, as well.

Before you do anything, you and your child should canvas the local library and fish stores and find out which kinds of Mermaids, seaweed, fish, starfish, snails, serpents, rocks, sunken treasure, jewels, and shells he/she would like in the room. For example, you don’t want to paint a giant purple octopus on the ceiling–just over your child’s bed–before asking, do you? You just never know how they’ll react. It’s best to ask first, paint later.

After determining which creatures he/she wants to add to the walls, it’s time for a trip to the hardware store for paint. Remember to ask the attendant which paints would work best for different types of painting. For instance, since the caricatures will be intriguing, your child probably will spend a lot of time touching them, so you may wish to use semi-gloss paint. Semi-gloss paint can be washed down to remove smudges and fingerprints. Also, if planning on painting the floorboards, you will need to use a special floor paint. Wall paint will not cover as well, and will wear quicker.

Finally, keep in mind that if you’re planning to paint the walls with a variety of colors, it’s best to use the same manufacturer. This ensures the color shades will be more compatible.
I suggest painting the ceiling light blue and adding several puffy white clouds, and maybe the sun, or a rainbow. Paint the walls (and floor) a darker sea color. Not too blue, but definitely not too green. Paint waves about 10-20 inches from the ceiling. The background from that point down should be the same color. Matching colors on the bedspread and curtains adds fantastic depth. Once you’ve chosen your colors, begin painting.

Remember to use many colors, adding glitter paint wherever you feel accents should be. Maybe the tips of the waves shine from the sun. Maybe the snail’s antenna are sparkly. Maybe seaweed glows in the dark. Maybe the tiny fish are electric blue and the medium sized fish are neon orange and yellow striped. And what about the sunken treasure chest? The jewels? Let your imagination fly. For a more whimsical look, add faces to your creatures, or make the room come to life with a family of Mermaids.

If possible, push the bed’s headboard against the wall in the middle of the room and add a goldfish aquarium or a salt water fish tank at the foot of the bed. The fish tank’s light can double as a night light and will add to the authenticity of your room. If your child is a turtle, hermit crab, or salamander lover, add them to the mix.

Stuffed animals and toys such as fish and boats would be appropriate. A shower curtain filled with fish might look great on the windows, or turned into a duvet and dust ruffle. A green rug could be seaweed; a brown one, sand. Or, maybe a blue one that matches the walls. The possibilities are endless!

Flowers, dolphins, tiny fish and huge whales all will add to the beauty of the room. If the artist in you can manage it, paint a picture of your child as a Mermaid or Merman. Or, paint the caricature and add a life-sized picture of your child’s face. Add other pictures; the neighbors, Grama and Gramps, or big sis.

And don’t forget to throw in a sunken treasure chest. Glue real jewels onto the wall for a three-dimensional look.

A cassette tape filled with ocean sounds will complete the project.

article from http://www.cruisexperience.com

Interior Design For Children

Interior design for children is one of the most fun, delightful aspects of the business if you ask me. It is so fun because children are limitless as far as their creativity and imaginations are concerned. Whenever planning interior design for children, be sure to involve the children in the planning and-if you feel very brave, the implementation of your designs.

Interior design for children is one of the most fun, delightful aspects of the business if you ask me. It is so fun because children are limitless as far as their creativity and imaginations are concerned. Whenever planning interior design for children, be sure to involve the children in the planning and-if you feel very brave, the implementation of your designs.

A good beginning point or theme for interior design for children is to start with any favorite activity or toy or even character of the child’s interest. Remember that many items of interest to children are topics that will change with time so try to take advantage of these interests and favorites with accessories and changes that will be easy to replace in the future as their interests and needs change. If a child has an interest or a particular activity that they are very enthused about and they have a special request that would make the design very special to them, go for it as long as the parents are as enthusiastic as the child is. Also, forewarn them of any possible headaches they might experience changing it in the future when it comes time to redesign the space in order to accommodate the child’s changing needs.

When choosing your color plan or schemes remember that interior design for children offers you unique opportunities to use bold or bright colors that would usually not be ideal for use in adult surroundings. Along the same lines, certain areas of the room would be more ergonomic to use as focal points then would in an adult’s atmosphere. For example, a chalkboard or toy box might capture a child’s attention more so then would a table or seating arrangement.

Another aspect of design that will vary from adult tastes when planning interior design for children would be the accessories that will be used to highlight and accentuate key features. Toys and collectibles make wonderful objects to use in this application. However, many times toys that are placed on display or for decoration are toys that the child would enjoy much more by being able to play with it rather then it actually being on display. You can solve this dilemma by either using old, unused toys that no longer captivate the child’s interests or even by purchasing duplicates and allowing them to actually use one version of the toy and letting them know that the others are ‘for looking only’.

Also, keep in mind that collectibles often times are of less significance to smaller children then are to adults so make sure that any item placed in a child’s room is not of significant fiscal or sentimental value just in case!

Tying in interior design for children can be accomplished easily by purchasing one of millions of available bed treatments that is complimentary to the designs and themes used in the creation of the room layout as well as fitting in well with the accessories chosen. Many bed treatment packages come prepackaged with matching detailed sheets, a comforter, dust ruffle, and window coverings. These items can bring a room together in the greatest of all fashions and are an option in interior design for children that are obtainable by anyone looking to make a change.
Always remember when planning interior design for children that a child changes attitudes, opinions, and behaviors around every three years. Permanent changes of any type are a big no-no and practical, cost effective ones are ideal. A good furniture tip to remember when designing for kids is to buy reasonably priced, sound furniture that doesn’t break the bank. Kids are even harder on furniture then they are on clothes! And most importantly to take into consideration when working with interior design for children--of course, HAVE FUN!!!

article from http://www.homeandgardenmakeover.com

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Mirrors are so much fun, you can never go wrong when using them to decorate. Best of all, they never go out of style...

This is a few tips about mirror...

1. Place a big mirror at your entrance, it is the first place people see in your house, so why not greet them with their own face. We love to see ourselves, only that we hate to admit it. Don't we ?
2. Hang a mirror in your dining area, it’s will creating an awfully romantic atmosphere especially when you light up the candles and dim the lights. The reflection is divine!


3. Place the tiniest of mirrors behind objects on bookshelves. This little trick not only adds interest, it also creates sparkle when the mirror catches the light.
4. Mirrors add a glamour and dazzle to any room not to mention the illusion of a more spacious area.
5. Mirrors illuminate and brighten an otherwise dreary space
6. More mirror means, your house will be look more spacious than ever.


Introduce a new mirror to your house now and feel the different i've been talking about!


Contractors can be found in many different ways. Finding a good contractor can be easy or difficult depending on your level of experience. For most homeowners, who are planning an addition for a growing family or simply needing a kitchen or bathroom renovation, finding a competent and reliable contractor is critical to a successful and satisfying home improvement project.

First thing you need to do..

- please discuss with those who is involved, your husband or wife. If not, it's surely will cost you a lot more than the quotation that been submitted. For example, in the middle of the renovation works, if you want to add or change the original plan, this is surely will cost you more.
- please make sure that you already know what you really want for your house before the renovation take place.
- please make sure you have a budget in mind and the cost estimate submitted to you is within or below your budget.

Trying to get the best deal ?
- please stay away from the lowest quotes contractor.
Why ? Because these quotes are usually much lower than everyone else, and maybe your job can't be done effectively for the price that you was quoted. In most cases, by not taking the lowest quote you are saving yourself and the contractor some heartache. If you awarded the contractor the job, he most probably wouldn't make any profit, and there is a chances, that you will have to spend more money paying someone else to finish their work. Any of you who have ever had to pay someone else to finish another person's work can attest that the overall job winds up costing a lot more than if you had just deal with even the most expensive person from the start.

Other factors to consider when qualifying a contractor include the following:

How long have they been in business?
more experience is the better.

How well do you communicate with them?
Find someone who sees eye to eye with you and understands what you are trying to accomplish.

Do they want a long-term relationship?
Some contractors are just "working for the weekend."

How are their current jobs coming along?
Visit the job sites and talk to the owners.

Do they have any references?
Check out the names that they give you, bearing in mind that they should be investors who have had some experience in dealing with contractors and thereby formed a basis for comparison. Find out if these former clients were satisfied with the quality of the work as well as the time it took to complete the job. Ask if they would use them again.

Does the contractor guarantee the work?
A good contractor will want surely ensure your satisfaction . Ask what kind of guarantees the contractor offers on the kinds of work to be done on your home.

How to avoid a renovation works that didn't work for you...
- please request from the contractor a list of drawing such as a plan or a realistic perspective drawing. ( to make sure the contractor is 100% understand with your idea's )

example of plan ( Puan Anita Apartment )

example of perspective drawing ( Puan Hasna House )

- make sure the contractor give you the sample of material and a brand of paint that will be use.
- ask the contractor to provide you their schedule of works. ( to ensure that you will get your renovation works complete on time. )
- discuss of the term of payment deeply and carefully with the contractor ( to avoid an additional cost )
- make sure you get a good contract with detailed specifications. The most important thing in the contract is that it specify exactly what you want. ( to avoid the additional cost. )
- please do a spot-check, to check whether the contactor do their works accordingly to the specification that already indicate in the drawing.
- always keep in touch with the contractor, make them as your friend's.
- begin the renovation works after you have a confident that the contactor already 100% understand everything about your idea's.

The contractor you really want to do business with isn’t going to work for you, or anyone else, without a contract that conforms to the conditions outlined here. He or she is going to insist on going about things in a professional manner. Having a good contract is basic to being a professional.

Finally, put it all in writing -- the estimated costs, the time until completion, the payment schedule. Even if your closest friend recommended the contractor, do not rely on promises and a handshake. Homeowners who do their homework in the beginning are the most likely to be happy in the end.

Remember, YOU are the one that control the job not the contractor !